First I'd like to thank "Who Am I" for posting a comment and suggestion a while back regarding my stressing about losing a point. She suggested looking over my daily journals and find something I could find a way of cutting down the point value. It never occurred to me to do that. Thank you! Your suggestion worked brilliantly! I had been eating a "fried" egg sandwich at lunch. I'd gotten out of the habit of the sandwich with a side of spinach "salad" because it was using too many of my points for lunch. I've started using egg whites instead. I can use three egg whites for 1 point. A bigger tastier sandwich for less point value! And now that that I've invested in Egg Beaters, I'm not wasting 1/2 the egg...since James wasn't too thrilled with mashed up yolk. We'll try again soon. Thanks! You saved me that point I've been missing.
I've had a busy week as I've previously mentioned. Usually I stress out about it, breaking for a routine that I can follow easily and prevents me from snacking and thinking too much about what I'm going to eat and when. It is all about finding the best possibly choices even at a not so good restaurant. I mentioned before Tuesday I had a Veggie Delight wrap from Subway with no cheese. 5 points (an extra point for the honey mustard...hey, I needed some taste!) instead of the 10 I would normally have had for a foot long turkey sub. It is lunch...gotta change my thinking, don't need a foot long at lunch.
Yesterday was a little more difficult. Mom and I were out most of the afternoon shopping. Mom and I love going to a "diner" for lunch. Before the baby we'd go for I just can't get my butt out the door in time. Besides, I like waiting until James wakes up from his morning nap before going anywhere. Gives me time to relax (and get dressed) in the morning. Diners aren't known for the healthiest of foods. I spent a long time before choosing what I'd have. I finally decided on a 1/2 club sandwich with a side of vegetable soup. Best I figure 2 points for the soup and 8 for the sandwich. Not bad considering normally I'd have a quesidilla or full club sandwich or western sandwich with a side of fries. Oh and of course the ever present diet cola.
Dinner...hee was a baseball night. I hadn't planned on playing last night. I honestly thought it was going to be rained out since the weather hasn't been the best in Southern Ontario as of late. So I made Brad rush. I stayed at my parents' house and he had to bring over my uniform and baby food after work. We were rushed and hungry so we decided on McDonald's. Riddle me does one manage to have only 9 points at McDonalds and avoid feeling full of grease all at the same time? Get a Happy Meal! I'd forgotten all about my lunches while working in Toronto...I'd walk down the street to pick up either a Mandarin Orange Salad or a Happy Meal. get a is good. 4 McNuggets (4 points) and small fries (5 pts) diet've got yourself an okay meal. Yey me! Now if only I could get rid of this fear that the ball is going right for my right eye socket after every pitch, I'd be a happy girl. get hit by one ball and that's all you can think about for the rest of the season...and unfortunately it is effecting my performance "on the mound".
Tonight is a party at my Grandfather's retirement home. Plus it is his birthday. So the family is going there for a BBQ...this will be a challenge for me since I've been having issue with my will power and portion control lately. Tomorrow maybe a family BBQ with the in laws...same issues there. I just have to remind myself that both sides of family know how much weight I gained with James and that I'm a Weight Watchers cultist. They'll be watching me eat...even if it isn't true...going in with that mentality will help to keep me in check.
(Ps...yeah I know softball isn't really 7 points of activity...especially when you suck and need a pinch runner...Thanks Karyn!)
Happy weekend all.
POINTS® Tracker entries
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
3/4 cup(s) Quaker Life Oat Bran Cereal 2
1 large banana(s) 2
Subtotal 4
1 1/2 tbsp Fat Free Honey Mustard Dressing 1
1 item(s) Veggie Delite Sub 4
Subtotal 5
Whole Chicken Leg - Quick-added food 6
1 cup(s) cooked brown rice 4
Subtotal 10
Lrg Iced Coffee w/Milk - Quick-added food 2
1 serving(s) Crackers 2
1 serving(s) Animal crackers 2
Subtotal 6
Food POINTS values total used 25
Food POINTS values remaining 0
Exercise No entries for exercise.
POINTS® Tracker entries
Thursday, June 18, 2009
3/4 cup(s) Quaker Life Oat Bran Cereal 2
1 large banana(s) 2
4c Herbal Tea - Quick-added food 0
Subtotal 4
1 cup(s) vegetable Soup 2
1/2 item(s) club sandwich 7.5
Subtotal 9.5
1 small French Fries 5
Happy Meal Sized Diet Coke - Quick-added food 0
4 pieces Chicken McNuggets, Small 4
Subtotal 9
2 item(s) English muffin(s), any type 5
2 tbsp peanut butter 4.5
2 tbsp Strawberry Spreadable Fruit 1.5
Subtotal 11
Food POINTS values total used 33.5
Food POINTS values remaining 0
120 min softball 7
Activity POINTS values earned 7
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