Here's another important tip to new parents. There is no calling in sick when you have a baby. A three month old doesn't care if you need a mental health day. Even if he normally naps at a certain time and you decide you're going to nap for a change when he is...of course he doesn't take that nap. Skips it completely.
I'm taking a day off from exercise today. Yesterday I finally felt great. I got James all set up on the floor to watch me jump around. The strength moves were great. Abs, wonderful. The cardio...not so much. It felt like my head was going to explode! Normally I can work through the pain. Yesterday with my bad knee and headache I had to turn off the tape. Then because I couldn't get off the couch without my head feeling like it was going to fall off my shoulders, I did not make dinner. Husband took care of that for me. Which, sounds like a pretty good deal right? Back ground - honey if you're reading this I'm sorry!I love the hubby dearly. He's a great guy. Would do anything for anyone if asked. I honestly don't know why he stays with me. I'm mean, vindictive. I have a habit of saying terrible things to those that I love mostly because I know what will bother them the most. However, my husband has a weight problem he refuses to see. I do LOVE bigger men. I do NOT date anyone who's hips and butt are narrower than mine. When I was at my smallest I love snuggling with him, having him hug me. Nothing makes a girly-girl feel safer than a big man who you know can take care of a "little lady". Maybe the reason I love watching King of Queens. DH is around 6'2" and at last check 304lbs. He's not the round kind of large...he's more football player big. When he eats, it isn't in his priorities to eat healthy. Before the wedding I managed to get him into Weight Watchers with me. It was great doing it together. We'd keep each other in check. When doing it alone, it is a struggle. He'll eat things in front of me or suggest things that normally I would avoid because of Weight Watchers or I've used up my daily points already.
Last night he made chicken strips and french fries. Luckily I do not own a deep frier so at least every thing was oven baked. Not that bad but not exactly the healthy dinner I was planning. This is part of the reason I gained so much weight while pregnant. He did all the cooking. Most of the time the thought of food cooking made me sick and the other times I did cook, I almost burnt the house down. It isn't that hard cooking healthy. He just doesn't. So yesterday didn't go as planned. That's okay. The scale tells me so far so good. The weekend is coming up again. The plan is to track everything I eat. Have a home cooked Mexican night on Saturday. Sunday is dinner with the in-laws and a dinner of I won't be eating ;)
Thanks for reading my ramblings! Got to go scrub the tub and toilet...oh it is such a glamourous life of a new parent!
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