Thursday, March 12, 2009

Week 7 - The "Unofficial" Results Blog I calculate using my weight as it was this time next week or do I calculate using the weight I was when I joined Weight Watchers? doesn't matter. What matters is what the scale told me this morning. 189.0!

I've broken out of the 190's! I had to peek today because tomorrow at WWers I'll be wearing clothes (or I hope to be as does everyone else I'm sure). My weight there last Saturday was 194.2 meaning I've lost 5.2 this week!What changed and what did I do differently? Surprisingly I didn't exercise only some yoga and my aerobics class on which I didn't really work all that had. I am finding using my flex points at the BEGINNING of the week rather than saving them until the END really helped. I didn't have that "crutch" in the back of my head saying it was okay if I went over, I had 35 extra points at the end of the week. It is a whole different mindset. I didn't think rejoining WWers meetings would make a difference, but again, surprisingly it has. I'm accountable to someone other than myself. Sure, the blogs help me to an extent...but the hits I see on how many people read this are just faceless people. I don't know who reads this. I don't know what their opinion is. I don't know if they are cheering me on. In a meeting I can sit there state how much I lost that week, get applauded AND get STICKERS! I love stickers! I like being told I've done a good job and I can get that in a meeting....validation for hardwork well done.Today I'm going off routine again. Yesterday went well. Ended up having the Veggie Burger for 16 points (OUCH!) and salad for 2. Kelsey's didn't have a lunch menu so no soup and salad for me. This left me with 4 points for dinner so we had frozen pizza. I had two slices for 12 I used 10 of my flex points...I still have 6 left. Today I've got a doctor's appointment for my wrist...hopefully he'll actually look at it this time, baseball season is coming fast! The plan for the weekend is to cook dinner. What we'll have, who knows...just NO ORDERING IN!

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