Thursday, March 12, 2009

Week 6 - The L-O-N-G Weekend Challenge

Once again, weekends are my downfall. This time I knowingly and willfully ate more than I should in an effort to dull the pit of anger and rage that was swelling in my gut. Better to fill it with pizza and crazy bread than to say something completely and utterly disrespectful and rude...more so than the snide responses I managed to get off.

Enough about that. It matters not what caused it. What matters now is what it'll cause. Friday was supposed to be "me" day. Forget about points and enjoy my Valentine's Dinner with the husband. We went to Mexicali Rosa's where I had a chimichonga (chicken), fiesta rice and beans. Passed on dessert...the whole reason we went their in the first place! YAY me...oh...does anyone know how many points are in a Margarita?Saturday started off planned like everyday. Had my normal good girl breakfast and lunch...complete with carrot sticks. Then in one fell swoop it all went to shit. By the time my visitors left we didn't feel like cooking and by chance had recieved a flier for Little Ceasar's Pizza just that we had pizza, garlic sticks (with cheese) and crazy bread. I had half the order of garlic sticks, three crazy breads...and hey...only 2 slices of a medium pizza...vegetarian pizza...that's gotta count for something right? Oh...and I made cup cakes for Brad for Valentine's Day...had a few of those.Sunday was no better. Di dn't measure my miniwheats. Had another cupcake...three (possibly four) pieces of the left over pizza for lunch...countless 2 point snacks...and three weiner wraps for dinner. Obviously I was still stewing. Why I let someone effect me in such a way is beyond me. I'm letting them win by doing this to myself. But since I'm not "THAT" fat...GAH!Today is back on the wagon. Day starting off typical. Typical breakfast. Filling myself with coffee. At noon will switch to water. My parents are coming for dinner. Don't know what we're having but I do know it involves pork chops. My parents are very picky this should be interesting. Lunch will be typical without my dill pickle...I'm out! And almost out of carrots...what will I do! Must go shopping.I'm going to have to be very diciplined this week to try to minimize the damage I did these past three days. If I have another week of gain, I will not be surprised. I will just have to work harder next week and figure out how to handle weekends. Happy Family Day fellow Ontarians! May your family NOT drive you to eat and drink.

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