Thursday, March 12, 2009

Week 4 - The Results Blog

With mixed emotions I am reporting on my progress for this week. Wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. I even had my "excuses" ready for a gain. I'm bloated. Stupid birth control pill. Retaining water. PMS like you wouldn't believe blah blah blah.

I did manage to lose 1.6 pounds this week. Not sure how I feel about that. Last week's loss was huge. Mostly water weight I would assume. I knew rationally that I wouldn't be able to maintain that kind of loss week after week. 1.6 is still pretty good. It is a "healthy" weight loss amount for a week. Can I be frank? I WANT OUT OF MY GRANNY PANTIES AND BACK INTO MY THONG!

Okay, let's look at the bright side. My energy level is way up. I can able to go through my entire cardio dvd without stopping once. I am able to do all the moves (on cardio...abs is another story). When I first started, the last move on the Cardio dvd is hopping backward for four hops, then run forward to your starting position. Oddly, I could NOT hop back. I could only manage pathetic little skips back. Now I am able to get back a foot at a time. My the pain in my knees has disappeared completly. I attribute that to yoga...for those who say it isn't exercise...give it a week. As I mentioned before, the jeans are fitting better. I am just really impatient. I want what I want and I want it NOW. No...what I really want is Golden's Fish and Chips...mmmmm...pure greasy goodness. Deep fried and tasty. Oh...Taco Bell how I want you. Fries Supreme. Come to me you dirty bitch! no no no! Fight it. Must fight it.Anyway the weight this week is 191.8. Did not reach my goal of breaking out of the 190's. I'll hold that goal over for next week. No rest for the wicked apparently. No rest or Gordita crunch apparently.

Last night's dinner ended up being 5 Healthy Bake Fish "Fingers" from Highliner 5 for 3 points. Plus homemade "french fries". Just potatoes cut up and done in the oven for 45 mintues at 425 to make them nice and crunchy for an almost "deep fried" taste. This time I went crazy though. I sprinkled them with a little olive oil, lite parmasgean cheese and garlic powder. TO DIE FOR!

1c Multigrain Cheerios

I'm contemplating a Lean Cusine Dinner

Fiber One Bar (hey, gotta stay regular)

Dinner I'm thinking ready made meat lasagna


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