I know I've said it before however, I cannot stress enough that to lose weight faster, it is important to eat enough and enough of the right things.
I often get headachey and I can even pinpoint when I'll get a headache. At work during the stressful busy period when I may not be eating a snack in the morning and afternoon I'll be sure to go home with a headache. If I am heavy on the exercise and sweat is pouring off me and I haven't had the proper food and not enough water (and head is on fire so I don't bother making coffee in the morning) I'm sure to have a mother of a headache the next day. This is exactly what happened to me yesterday. When I finally was able to keep food in me, I felt great! I ended up making a favourite of mine, Turkey sausages cut into cubes, onion, green peppers, mushrooms stir fried and simmered. Usually I serve this over 1/2c of rice but got crazy and wild and had 1/2c couscous instead. So tasty! Now to gross you out. Over all this, KETCHUP! Mmmmmm! Soooo good! Got in both my vegetables, protien AND oil requirement. Even though I used a nonstick skillet, I used 2tsp of canola oil to get in the "good fat". Sadly though, didn't get in any dairy requirement. That's okay, I'll be sure to get it in today.
I had planned on starting my 30 Day Shred dvd again this week, but I can still feel a slight tightness in my forehead (my headaches usually do last three days after a bad one) so I *may* be smart and take it easy again today. Besides, I've got a lot to do today that I didn't get to yesterday. I hate napping. Such a waste of time!
On another note, my baby is sitting up all on his own now. I'm sure he could have been doing it sooner, he'd been doing really well in his pillow, it just never occured to me to try! I'm so excited on one hand and sad on the other. 5 months old and another month closer to leaving him. If I could find a way to stay home and raise him I would. At this point it isn't fesiable. I am going to have to start finding a way to deal with that depression and be prepared. I'm going to have a hard time leaving him! He is growing every day and has quite the little personality on him!
Here's what yesterday looked like:
1c Multigrain Cheerios struggled through
Fiber One Bar
2 slice Whole Wheat Bread
2 eggs
Small Banana
1.5L Crystal Light Peach Iced Tea
2 Turkey Sausages
2 tsp Canola Oil
Green Peppers
1/2c Couscous
Fiber One
1 Mini Peanut Bliss Bar
Kim, how is that 30 day shred working for you? I ordered that and the biggest loser yoga because I have been following your blogs and you said you enjoyed them and decided to try them out.
Hiya! I really like both dvd's a lot. I sweat like crazy mad when doing Jillian's. When I first started I got discouraged easily because I couldn't keep up (and still can't do a pushup to save my life). But I love that she incorporates both weights and cardio into the workout. I really get the feeling of losing weight and toning at the same time. I haven't gone beyond the first level yet, but I have watched them. Brad says that doesn't count. :(
I love Bob and I love yoga so that tape is a perfect mix. I'm still trying to get used to the second and third levels of that program because I HATE pilates!
You'll LOVE 'em I'm sure and if you're still in your apartment, you don't need much room.
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