Monday, February 27, 2012

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I'm still behind the 8 ball when it comes to weight loss as of late. I can tell the 3 weeks away from physical activity really took a toll on my progress.  The size 12 jeans I had been wearing with ease. suddenly aren't so easy to get into any more.  This isn't muffin top, this is bunt cake top people!

I made it out for a run yesterday morning.  I went back only a day in my training and it wasn't so bad.  I also managed to find a website that allowed me to estimate the distance of my current route I take when I go out.  Unbelievably, I have managed to pick a route that is 5.01 km.  My walk to work is only 3 km.  I'm suddenly feeling a whole heck of a lot more confident about my upcoming 5k race.  I think I'll still have to walk more than run, but it is a starting point, since I have only finished about 75% of my Couch25k running program.  Plus, I am still battling this ongoing illness.  Every time I start to feel better, it just keeps coming back.  I refuse to see the doctor though.  Every time I end up giving in an going, it is nothing he can help with.  I'd rather try and a naturopathic way anyway.  I've come this far, why ruin a good thing.That, and my doctor is a tool.

In last week's meeting it was mentioned that journalling is one of the keys to successful weight loss.  Not just food tracking, that is pretty much a given.  Actually writing down your thoughts or just a word or two when you  have a good day or bad day.  I think that is good advice.  I personally seem to be able to stay on track better when I take the time to sit down and blog.  It gets my feelings in order.  Sometimes when I sit and consider why I just pigged out on something I shouldn't have, if I take the time to figure out why, it helps to prevent the issue from happening again.  The problem of course is, finding the time.  Today James is at preschool and since Piper is refusing to nap, she is happily playing with her toys and crawling all around the room (!) I have a moment...thank goodness for typing skills and a cordless keyboard to keep an eye on the Day Walker over there!!  Ironic that at night after the kids go to sleep I don't feel like blogging.  Often it is the only time of the day I've had to myself and just want to sit and turn off my brain and either watch tv while playing Bejeweled or crochet.  Even though it would be the perfect time to be alone with my thoughts...I don't want to be alone with my thoughts, if that makes any sense.

Today has gone pretty good.  I've been in control of my eating and portion sizes.  Breakfast was high fibre instant oatmeal and a banana.  Lunch was an egg white omelette with green peppers, onion, cheddar cheese, a slice of Ezekiel bread and sparkling cranberry juice.  Dinner  is going to be a spaghetti and meatball casserole that I haven't worked out the points for yet.  The recipe is in my clean living cookbook and I have 15 points left, so I should be okay...even with a glass of milk to drink!

Yikes!  Mommy duty calls!!!

PS...I find it ironic that the word "blog" is not recognized by spell check...on a blogging site.

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