Monday, February 13, 2012

Official Week 3 Results Blog and Other Ramblings

Been a little remiss in blogging these past few weeks.  You'll have to forgive me.  Germs have once again over-ridden my homestead and waged battle against my own immune system and won.  The little bastards (which is what I will refer to the germs as hence forth) have invaded my body and kicked the crap out of my awesome super-hero strength immunities and sent my illness preventing white blood cells packing.  Okay, okay, I may be being a little over dramatic, but at this point, the germs of a three year old are kicking my ass.

I haven't been this sick in quite sometime.  Before I was overtaken by the little bastards, I was on quite the roll. I managed 5 straight days of exercise, be it my running or boot camp.  I could have made it 7 straight, but am taking the advice of all and any website I have read and giving my body some days in between to rest.  My points and clean eating were almost perfect to a "T".  I lost 1.8 pounds!  I was quite proud of myself too.  I set my week goal for a pound and a half, and I managed to surpass it by 0.3.  I was on fire.  I was on a roll.  Then as previously mentioned, I got sick.

I haven't been this beaten down by illness in a very long time.  I haven't got much energy.  I've missed 6 days of scheduled exercise, and will probably end up missing an entire week.  Just as I was about to hit the 20 minutes of straight running mark in my training, I came down with chest congestion from hell.  I obviously didn't want to attempt running with compromised lung capacity.  I missed Wednesdays and Sunday's boot camps and several training runs along the way.  I have been taking solace in comfort food in the form of pizza and wings, Big Macs and fries, lattes and dill pickle chips.  Even though I had planned on setting another mini goal of another pound a half this week, I fully expect to see a gain at the scale this week.

This has been quite the set back.  I am not normally this much of a baby when it comes to catching the little bastards.  The kids have both been sick as well.  I have found it extremely challenging to take care of two sick little children while feeling like utter shit myself.  I've had to push away my own health and taking care of myself in order to make sure they are comfortable and feeling as best as they can given the circumstances.  Of course, I realize that is all part of being a Mother and my duty to take care of the needs of them before my own.  Fortunately the worst of my cold came when Brad had an entire weekend off and was able to take care of the kids....and me...while being home.  I got frustrated though.  I would be up at 3:00 am when the NyQuil wore off, hacking up a lung.  I'd go downstairs and continue to sleep on the couch so I wouldn't wake up the rest of the household with my coughing.  Last night I was up at 4:00 and couldn't get back to sleep until 6:00am.  I just wanted someone to take care of me like I'd taken care of the kids.  I wanted to be babied, and be told to go back to bed, or go have a bubble bath, or reminded to take some sinus meds.  I guess that part of my life is over.  A sad day.  Being an adult sucks.

I haven't taken my "happy pills" in 4 days.  I know it isn't good to just stop them cold turkey.  I did that back in high school and remember almost blacking out after climbing up to the top floor.  So it is a good thing I haven't felt much like exercise.  I don't plan on going off of them just yet.  I figure I will more than likely need their added support to get me through the transition of going back to work...which is coming up REAL soon.  I just figured right now cold medication in the form of cough syrup, NyQuil and sinus medication was much  more important to try and get better and fight off the little bastards invading my body than any else....and I didn't need any complications or to be flying high from the reaction of the "happy pills" along side the NyQuil.  Although...that would make for one HELL of a party.  RAISE THE ROOF!  WHAT!  WHAT!

No Weight Watchers points posting for you today...since't done it at all this week.  Shit.  GET OUT OF MY BODY YOU LITTLE BASTARDS, I WAS ON A ROLL!!!!!

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