Sunday, February 19, 2012

Results and Other Ramblings - Week 4

Stayed exactly the same to the ounce last week.  I have very low hopes for this week.

I'm still flat on my ass out with this cold.  It has been a very very long time since I have felt this absolutely horrible.  I haven't been keeping track of my points because I haven't had much of an appetite.  Normally that wouldn't be such a bad thing except for the fact that when I am hungry, I will just grab whatever is ready made an easily available.  I haven't been eating lunch since it is currently such a chore getting the kids fed.  Once that is done, I can't be bothered to make myself a spinach salad, omlette or other clean and healthy concoction.

I cannot wait for my energy and lung capacity to get back to where it should be.  I have gone almost 2 weeks now without the will or ability for any exercise.  I am finally beginning to get my energy back, I'm just waiting for my broncial infection to cure itself and go away.

In my at home monitoring of my weight, it appears I have gained 2 pounds so far.  I have every intention of getting it under control to no avail.

Taking care of two babies while sick sucks...Piper just woke up unhappy.  Excuse me while I go calm her down.

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