Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Week 22 (?) - Update Blog

Where to begin?

Let us start with Saturday's weigh in. I lost 1.2 this week. But it doesn't count. Previous week I gained 1.0 so TECHNICALLY I lost 0.2 this week. This upcoming Saturday's weigh in will be week number 3 that I am hoping to achieve Weight Watcher's first main goal of reaching my 10%. I was only 0.8 away from getting a new key chain...this week I'm going to do it. That will make an official 19.2 pounds lost at meetings. I don't *think* I can. I *KNOW* I can.

It has been a busy week so far and it is only Tuesday. Brad had a fire lit under his ass of which I am grateful. He's worked on the basement, started working on the bricks for around his garden (which have been sitting on my patio for a month), helped me take out my evergreen stumps in my front garden. We even managed to go down to the "It's Your Festival" at Gage Park. We made it to Babies R Us to pick up some baby gates (can someone please show me how to use these mother flarkers?) AND got groceries. This is not lazy. This is what I like. Keeping busy. Idle hands are the work of the devil you know.

Yesterday I had a lot of coffee, diet cola, crystal light and an iced coffee thrown in the mix. I was a little high strung and flying. I got so much done though. I think as I get closer and closer to work I get more and more anxious and nervous and worried. I don't want to leave James even if it is just going to be with my parents. I feel guilty now for asking them to watch them. They could have said no...but what if they felt they couldn't? They've already raised to kids. They are retired. This is a big responsibility. Crap, I look at my day and routine, it is busy I hardly ever sit down. When I'm not playing with James I'm either feeding him or walking him around the house. When he is napping I clean like a woman possessed. Yesterday for example I:

  • stripped our bed completely
  • washed - the mattress cover, all the pillows, the blanket (which I hung outside to dry for that oh so clean outdoor freshness) and the sheets
  • dusted our bedroom - which would include the ceiling fan and pictures on the wall, removing any and all knickknacks from all dressers and surfaces for individual dusting)
  • dusted the living room (again, removing any and all knickknacks from surfaces, taking a damp cloth to the couches for cat hair removal, ceiling fan)
  • cleaned outside picture window, window in stairwell and side screen door
  • cleaned windows in front storm door including gross dirty screen itself
  • took down front ugly drapes to wash them and am debating the need to put them back up
  • made bottles
  • vacuumed everything and everywhere

Oh and to add to my 6 hours of cleaning yesterday (a possible 15 activity points) we had two softball games last night. I pitched every inning and made base every time but once. My quads are completely healed (Thank GOD) so I was able to give it my all in running the bases, sadly I am still slow as all hell...but then again, I was the last season I played and in shape. So I got a LOT of exercise last night. A possible 7 activity points for 2 hours of baseball.

Today I'm feeling it. I'm tired and groggy and my parents are coming over to help me with the floor. There is another game tomorrow. If I don't get my 10% this week there is seriously something wrong with me and I should just give it the fuck it.

Stay busy folks!

POINTS® Tracker entries
Monday, July 06, 2009

1 serving(s) Shreddies 3
1/2 small banana(s) 0.5
3 cup(s) black coffee 0.5
Subtotal 4

2 slice(s) whole-wheat bread 2
4 slice(s) turkey breast lunch meat (3-1/2 square) 2
1 tsp Honey mustard 0
1 slice(s) Mozzarella 1
32 fl oz Sugar Free Raspberry Ice 0.5
Subtotal 5.5

2 slickes Pizza Funghi - Quick-added food 10
Subtotal 10

Tim Horton's Iced Coffee w/milk - Quick-added food 4
2 cup(s) Honey Bunches Of Oats 6
Subtotal 10

Food POINTS values total used 29.5
Food POINTS values remaining 0

120 min softball 7
360 min cleaning 15
Activity POINTS values earned 22

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