Thursday, April 30, 2009

Week 14 - On again

When I'm on...I'm on fire. When I'm off I crash and burn.

Amazing dinner last night...or at least I thought so! I made seared (sounds better than fried) Tilupa with a little bit of Sweet Chili sprinkly on it, roasted vegetables (celery, asparagus, carrots, Brussel sprouts all FRESH) and olive oil (okay, a little too much olive oil) and brown rice. Filling and actually a good way to eat vegetables. I actually enjoyed it. Huh. Who'da thought?

And I did what I set out to do. Did the 30 Day Shred in the morning and went for a 5k walk in the afternoon. The pedometer tells me it was 7500 steps and 5k. Not bad! A pleasant afternoon actually! This morning I've already done the DVD thing. A little slower today. The body is a little tight. Not used to all this movement so early in the morning. Plus, the whole no coffee thing is making me a little sluggish. It is true though. The more you move and take care of yourself the better you feel about yourself.

The house is relatively clean and I think James' (and certainly me) is bored. My Dad has a cold (your welcome) but I'm contemplating going over there today. Maybe Mom and I will go shopping. I need out. There is a certain sadness and tension in the house. I'm almost positive Brad is reading my blogs...yet I can't discuss my feelings with him for some reason. It always turns into a fight and he doesn't fight back. I'm thinking maybe he is depressed himself. Other have noticed a change in him and I've been noticing him withdrawing into himself too. He needs to get out more with his friends. Unfortunately he's past the stage in life where that means going out to a bar and drinking ... what else is there to do? The girls and I try to get together once a month for lunch (used to be dinner and drinks)...the group of 7 or 8 of us try a new place, talk then go home. A nice balance to the rest of our busy lives. Brad needs something like that. Or find a friend to go to the gym with. I'm positive if he'd try it, he'd like it. Clears your head and takes away your stress. Heck, there were times I was mulling over a problem at work just to go to the gym at lunch and have the problem solved within 20 minutes on the elliptical trainer. God I miss it!

POINTS® Tracker entries
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

2/3 cup(s) The Original Shredded Wheat 'n Bran, spoon-size 1.5
1 cup(s) low-fat milk 2
1 tsp Spoonable brown 0
Subtotal 3.5

1 item(s) whole hard-boiled egg(s) 2
2 slice(s) whole-wheat bread 2
2 medium low-sodium dill pickles 0
Subtotal 4

3 oz cooked tilapia 2
2 tsp olive oil 2.5
1 cup(s) cooked brussels sprouts 0
1 cup(s) cooked celery 0
1 cup(s) cooked carrots 1
1 cup(s) cooked onions 1
1 cup(s) cooked asparagus 0
1 cup(s) cooked brown rice 4
Subtotal 10.5

1 serving(s) Just 2 Points Banana Nut Bar 2
1 Arrowroot Cookie - Quick-added food 1
ChocoMint Mini Bar - Quick-added food 1
Subtotal 4

Food POINTS values total used 22
Food POINTS values remaining 2
Exercise 20 min aerobics, high-intensity 3
45 min walking, brisk 3
Activity POINTS values earned 6

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Week 14 - Accountability

I can't keep blaming others for my sins. This occur ed to me last night after I ate dinner.

The story? I am on a cleaning kick. James jumped happily away in his Jolly Jumper yesterday afternoon while I dusted and vacuumed the living room. Together we danced to good retro '80's music. Coincidentally he loves Come on Eileen. Brad called to tell me he was on his way home and asked my least favourite question. "Any thoughts about dinner?" When I spend all my energy cleaning and tidying the house all day, by the time I was done the living room and feeding James his dinner I hadn't even given thought to it. I guess he was craving hamburgers on the BBQ. So he suggested picking up buns and burgers on his way home from work. Not a problem. I had enough points to fit in a burger...a normal burger. I don't know what kind of meat was in this burger but he has clearly forgotten the number one rule of Weight Watchers. ALWAYS read the label. Calories were 410. Fat 31 (!!) and only 1 gram of fiber. Total point value for the burger was 11. 11 freaking points! I'm used to a burger being 6. Plus the bun was 3. So 14 total for this burger. Forget putting on cheese. I only had one. Plus a lovely baby spinach salad. Looking back...a second after he brought them in to the house...I should have said none for me and gotten a chicken breast out of the freezer and had that instead. I prefer it anyway. Lesson learned. Only I can control what I eat no one else. I did okay in that knowing they were 11 points I only had one. So...small victory for me.

Another small victory for me. Today for James' 10:00am nap I didn't go to my computer right away. I got up off my butt and did my 30 Day Shred DVD. I just can't seem to make this a habit though. I'd rather go for a walk. So new way of thinking. I don't really do much during him morning nap so rather than making my computer and link to the "outside world" a priority, I'm only turning on this horrible vice AFTER I've done my workout. This is perfect, it opens it up for doing other things later. I'm planning on taking my new WWers pedometer out for a spin after James' lunch. That way he can nap while we walk.

I think I'm having trouble with priorities. Before in the winter I was putting exercise before all else. Now I'm putting organization and a clean neat house before my health. Must have balance. I'm going to find a way to get to yoga again...missing the meditation. I feel silly doing it all by myself at home. Oh...and I may be kinda cranky for a week or so. I'm giving up coffee...cold turkey. Now that it is summer I don't like the greasy sweats and the racing heart my energy level may fall drastically.

POINTS® Tracker entries
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2/3 cup(s) The Original Shredded Wheat 'n Bran, spoon-size 1.5
1 tsp Spoonable brown 0
1c low fat milk 2
1 cup(s) black coffee 0
Subtotal 3.5

Knorr Carrot Soup (GROSS) - Quick-added food 3
2 slice(s) whole-wheat bread 2
1 item(s) whole hard-boiled egg(s) 2
Subtotal 7

Super 6 Hamburger Patty - Quick-added food 11
1 1/3 item(s) White Hamburger Bun(s) 3 (the 1/3 is to get the points to reflect what I calculated from the bag)
1 cup(s) spinach 0
Kraft Free Lemon Poppy Seed Dressing - Quick-added food 1
Subtotal 15

1 serving(s) Just 2 Points Banana Nut Bar 2
Subtotal 2
Food POINTS values total used 27.5
Food POINTS values remaining 0
No entries for exercise.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It is raining. Supposed to rain all week. I feel gross though. I got sun burnt yesterday while I was tossing shit angrily around in my garage. I tripped on a board that had a rusty nail sticking out of it while trying to get at my gardening tools. Damn good thing my tentus shot is only three years old. You thought the basement was full of crap? That is nothing. You should see my garage!

I'm not one to complain and complain though. No, let me rephrase that. I am one to bitch and bitch and bitch and then I turn passive aggressive. If I'm not happy with something, I'll change it. I should post the pictures of what the basement looks like now. I took a friend's advice (thanks Karyn!) and made piles. Toss, Donate and Sell. The furnace room is cleaned out. Everything is organized. My toss pile will be going out into the mess that is the garage so that all I have to do is call Got Junk and have 'em haul it and my bad mood away. I'm quite proud of all that I have accomplished in the short spans of time I have while James is asleep. I think I'm doing good in the regard of balance in that way. James doesn't want for attention. We play, we dance, we bounce, we walk and we sing. And in little increments I get organized. Maybe the house isn't as clean as it once was but I do okay. I'm afraid though of burning out and the crash is going to be hard.

So why then, can't I put this determination and energy into my weight loss and exercise? Last night at aerobics it took everything I had left in me out. We did some punching routines and it just drained me emotionally. I have a lot of pent up aggression and releasing just a little bit of it opened the flood gates and after class I found myself embarrassingly crying in the parking lot spilling my heart out to my friends. We had a good talk. Now if only I can have that talk with Brad. I'm afraid he is going to have a heart attack before he is 40 if he doesn't wake up and change his way of life. I did it. I hid the xbox and I must have done it in a fit of rage because today I can't remember where I hid it. Happy Easter! When I was at work I'd go to the gym on my lunch hour. I'd hit the cardio machines sometimes weights for 25 minutes and go back to work refreshed, feeling like I was just starting the day regardless of what argument I'd had at 10:00am with a client. I was at the peak fitness level of my life. I wasn't super thin but I was healthy. I had the best cardio health I've ever had. I was able to jog on the treadmill for 20 minutes straight without stopping at a steady fast pace. It was my outlet. It was my stress relief. It was my salvation. I'm pissed off at my self that now I can't even keep up at aerobics. And I'd feel guilty if I joined say...Curves and left everyday for and hour or so leaving Brad alone with James. Then again...I'm alone with him for 10 hours every day so why should I feel guilty? I have so many conflicting emotions in my that I can't figure out which emotion to run with and make feel better!

Trying my hardest to journal this week. I have my journal and a pencil in my back pocket and before I even take my first bite of food, I am journalling it. James' next nap I'll be surfing for dinner recipes. I have to put this aggression into weight loss. I need an outlet. Have I mentioned that?

POINTS® Tracker entries
Monday, April 27, 2009

1 cup(s) black coffee 0
2/3 cup(s) The Original Shredded Wheat 'n Bran, spoon-size 1.5
Mini Chocolate Min Bar 1
Subtotal 2.5

2 slice(s) whole-wheat bread 2
1/4 cup(s) water-packed tuna fish, drained 1.5
Chocolate Caramel Bar 2
Subtotal 5.5

4 oz cooked chicken fillet 3.5
2 slice(s) whole-wheat bread 2
1 cup(s) low-fat milk 2
Subtotal 7.5

1 serving(s) Sugar Free Peach Iced Tea Mix 0
2 serving(s) Mr. Christie Arrowroot Cookie 1.5
2 slices Cinnomon Toast 6
1 tsp margarine 1
Subtotal 8.5

Food POINTS values total used 24
Food POINTS values remaining 0

45 min aerobics, high-intensity 7
10 min aerobics, low-impact 1
Activity POINTS values earned 8

Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 13 - The Results Blog

I suck. I suck hard. I gained (as expected) 1.8 pounds. Welcome to my roller coaster. Yes I know why I gained. I didn't journal. I didn't care. I didn't move. I was sick. A lady at the meeting Saturday said sometimes you've just got to allow yourself to be sick. Nuh-uh. I used it as an excuse. I thought poor me. I'm going to gain anyway and I let it happen.

I'm starting to think I don't want this enough. I have become complacent and used to living and eating a certain way. I don't want to have to give up certain things. I want to reward myself or make myself feel better by eating and doing things my way. Why must weight always be at the forefront of my every waking thought? I've got enough other problems.

Today has been a day of reflection for me. I'm through being patient with aspects of my life. Why can't I have nice things now? Important to me are James, my family, my friends and my home. I take great pride in my home and I want it looking nice. I'm sick of it being just a place full of stuff. I'm sick of the gardens and grass being overgrown and weedy. I can't keep everything up and looking nice all on my own. Especially now that I have a baby. Last year when I was pregnant and just didn't give a shit about anyone or anything, nothing got done outside. The hedges didn't just trimmed, the grass cut, my flower beds weeded (during an especially non-morning sickness plagued month I did manage to plant flowers). The house didn't get cleaned...hell...I've done more now that I'm off on mat leave than I did all of last year. I'm especially pissed off that because I couldn't do it at 9 months (37 weeks) pregnant last fall my clay planters didn't get put in the garage. Every last one of them now must be thrown out because each and every one of them have cracked open. THOSE WERE BLOODY WEDDING GIFTS! I asked you to put them away for a reason!!!!

Which leaves me thinking about what is important to my significant other. I don't know what is important to him. I don't think he has the pride in ownership in his home. If he did...he'd help me more at least outside. I'm feeling overwhelmed in life again. I'm feeling like I've got two kids. I am the one responsible for making sure all the bills are paid and that we have money to pay the bills. I'm the one who cleans the bathroom, changes the sheets, does the laundry, sweeps and washes the kitchen floors, disinfects the kitchen counters, weeds the lawn (okay, had the unfortunate opportunity to plant forget-me-nots in a garden last year, they ran rampant and know they are in my lawn), rakes the leaves from the fall and spring out of the hedges, vacuums, dusts, bathes the baby, feeds the baby, does the laundry, makes dinner, brings home 70% of our income AND still finds the occasion to have a bath. Sorry if I'm feeling under appreciated and not like having sex tonight and if I want to have a shower and go right to bed once James is asleep...that's my right. I think my patience has finally come to a slow boil and I've had it. Try and find the xbox now.

With all these feelings of responsibility running wild in my head, it is no reason I want to rebel in some small way and say screw you to Weight Watchers. Yes, I want it bad enough however, I want other things in my life just as bad and maybe if I put my energy into these other things, I'll get it first? Who knows...I just want to shout and scream and cry but it feels like I'm shouting and screaming at a brick wall in an empty room and it doesn't matter to anyone but me.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Week 13 - Obese?

The good news? I can swallow without tears jumping into my eyes. The better news? I can now stop eating for no other reason than to scratch my throat. The bad news? I'm more than likely 1.5 to 2 pounds up this week.

I didn't journal again this week. I didn't have the best food choices. I don't think that I went overboard with eating.

Obese? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, obese means the following: excessively fat. Syn: corpulent, fleshy, gross, overweight, portly, stout. Oddly enough these are words that I used to describe myself. However, would I consider myself excessively fat? Not really. I'd consider myself flabby. Fat...not in excess though. Maybe I'm delusional? Sure, I'm roll-i-er now than I was a year and a half ago. But I'm not drop in a dead stop and stare fat. Or am I? Gah...I wish I could see me as others see me. LOL...I used to say this exact thing to myself when I was thin too. Maybe I should be more worried about how I see myself!

What has led me to this train of thought? According to BMI scales I have a BMI of 30 (up from 24).

Your BMI is 30: This is above the BMI range of 20-25 which experts generally consider to be healthy. Losing weight would help your health and energy level, plus reduce your risk for disorders such as diabetes and heart disease.

BMI Ranges: Experts generally consider a BMI below 20 to be underweight and a BMI of 20 to 25 to be healthy. BMIs of 25 to 30 are generally considered overweight while a BMI over 30 is generally considered very overweight (obese).

I have to lose 30 more pounds to be considered "healthy". Some times it seems so easy. Other times (like this week) it seems so far away and unattainable. More good news? After crappy weeks like this, I have a really good week and lose the week after.

Wish me luck for Saturday...9:45 am Saturday morning starts a new beginning!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Week 13 - I feel like Poop

I feel like Poop. Poop warmed over. Poop that has been squished and has been drying on pavements somewhere.

I am never ever venturing into public again for fear of germs. I've been out of germ range for 6 months and they've hunted me down, tranqued me, tagged me and released me back into the wild.

I haven't been journalling. I've been forging for food around the house all week. Am dying for comfort food. Probably will be up this week since I haven't gotten off the couch much and when I have it was to go for lunch with my Mom and I had FRENCH FRIES. In your faces. Karama got me back hard though. Chipped a tooth (again!) slow eroding away.

James isn't taking longer than 45 minute naps which doesn't help me much. He's up there grunting in his crib now. Better go before he wedges himself sideways again and freaks out.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week 12 - The Results Blog

If that cat jumps on my key board one more time....anyone want a slightly annoying overly cuddly attention whoring cat?

It was a busy, busy weekend. I didn't stay for the Weight Watchers meeting on Saturday, I did however go to get weighed in. I managed to lose 2.8 pounds! Total weight loss since October 11th has now been 54 pounds! I'm ecstatic! I'm not sure how I managed to lose this week though and am hoping it doesn't catch up with me next Saturday. I didn't journal all week and there wasn't an aerobics class due to Easter Monday. I'm going to have to be really good this week to make sure the sins of my past don't come back to haunt me. Oh...and Brad lost 7. In one week. Not journalling. MEN! No, I'm happy for him really. I hope he sticks with it. When he does, he does amazingly.

I suppose I did do a lot last week. I moved a LOT of heavy stuff, (two sheets of sheet rock together...not bad!) didn't sit on my butt for too long during James' naps, went for walks, got out into the beautiful weather. Yeah, okay, I did better than I thought.

I have bought a food scale now too. No more estimating (under-estimating I'm sure) point values for meat and other things that probably should be weighed. Previously if I couldn't put it in a measuring cup, it didn't get portion controlled. I'm sure I'll be shocked by the actual weight sizes for certain food.

Anyway, back to my busy weekend. I think I did okay as far as eating. No, I didn't journal it. Yes, I am back at journalling now. Saturday was a bit of a stressful morning. Brad had to work in the morning and we went to a birthday party for my cousin way way out in Brampton's Dave and Buster's. I had planned on taking James to my WWers meeting but fortunately Brad got home just in time to watch James while I got weighed in. While I was gone, he took James to my parents so we could head out to be in Brampton by 11...okay, we were late. Got there at 11:30. I did good there. I only had two fajitas...really really really could have had more but limited my self. Even though I didn't want to go I had a really great time and had a lot of fun. Learning that it is okay to leave the safety of my little world every now and then.

Sunday a team of my friends went on a 5K walk for M.S. It was a sunny day (if not a little chilly) took James and again, had a good time WHILE getting exercise. All in all, a good weekend.

Tonight is aerobics. Looking forward to that. Crappy weather is predicted all week, so either back to the basement or exercise dvd. Probably should do some yoga today. My hamstrings are a little tight from all the walking I've been doing lately and want to be able to jump around tonight at aerobics.

Have a good Monday! Bah!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Week 12 - Eating and Sleeping

I've been solving the world's problems in my sleep as of late. I've been visualizing my house the way I want it. I've been paining my hallway with a new, darker modern colour. I've been dreaming about what James will be like when he grows up, his dreams and accomplishments. I've been gardening, landscaping and renovating. What I'm NOT doing is sleeping.

Last night I tried all my old tricks. Played my alphabet game...for each letter of the alphabet I come up with a band's name. I counted to 1000 both front and back. My head just felt Last night shouldn't have been like that. James and I had a good day. To be cliche he slept like a baby. He got lots for fresh air, jumped in the Jolly Jumper for an hour and had a bath. I did two hours of raking and gathering leaves (stupid hedges). It didn't get down last fall so it was twice as a pain in my butt as usual. Brad must know he's in the dog house. He came home with flowers. I of course couldn't just say thank you. I asked if it were because I'd been complaining he doesn't do stuff like that anymore. I can't just accept a nice gesture. This doesn't mean he's off the hook. Until he accepts and understands that certain things are important to me, I'm probably going to remain pissed off.

I need to focus on putting my negative energy into losing weight. I've been doing so much stuff around the house when James is sleeping that I haven't been walking or exercising. Getting the rest of my life back in order right now is more important than toning my body right now. I'll tone when I get back to work. Now I have to lose weight. I'll just not wear shorts this summer stupid peanut shaped thighs!

Happy weekend all! I've got a team doing the 5K MS Walk on Sunday so I'll get out and get walking!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Week 12 - Back to the Journal

Yesterday was a bad day emotionally but a good day food wise. I wrote everything down and didn't have any chocolate. The Mr. Munchy chocolate bunny in my freezer is no longer calling to me. He can't. He doesn't have a head. No mouth. HA take THAT Mr. Bunny you don't have any power over me anymore.

Had a nice little freak out in my basement and it is looking better already. Oh the plans I have. It is funny that I have (possibly the misplaced belief) that the basement is the key to the rest of my house. See...with the basement finished, the computer goes down stairs (with the litter box bluch) opening my "dining room" for shelving, meaning I'll be able to unpack (and find) all my serving dishes and things to display. All the boxes downstairs full of books and picture albums can get properly displayed. Most of the junk in my furnace area will find a home. AH the dreams I have.

Since I was in a real emotional state (and remained quite busy between baby feedings and changes) didn't have time to snack so the eating part was easy. Especially since we got groceries on Tuesday so I've got my bananas for breakfast and spinach and soup for lunch. Odd how my entire day's success hinges on what I have for lunch.

I'm not looking forward to Saturday. The sins of the past seven days will have to catch up eventually. While cleaning yesterday I found my original record of measurements. My thighs were 24". Now 27" each. No wonder they are chafing again! But I have a plan in the making about exercise now that the semester at the college is almost over...stay tuned hopefully for that announcement and change! That's me...always plotting and scheming!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Week 12 - A Cluttered Mind

In case you've been checking in, you may have noticed I haven't really blogged this week. I must admit, I haven't really journaled this week either. Not bad. This is the first time in the 6 weeks (I think we're on the 7th week of program) that I haven't journaled for the full 7 days. My motivation is still there. I just have other emotions that are over powering my will and need to lose weight right now.

It may seem like I'm about to go horribly off topic, but stick with me. We'll get to my point eventually. You'll see I have rather er..."strong" emotions about this subject.

We have been in our house for almost 5 years now. It is a cute little 59 year old story and a half. Typical for the city and area we live in. It was a lot of work initially re-decorating. There was a LOT of wall paper and most of the decor was right out of the groovy '60's and I've never been a Beatles fan. Cosmetically, the upstairs and main floor level are okay. Livable. Not what I envision, but that will come all in due time. Three years ago Brad renovated the bathroom. Took 7 months start to finish. I finally had to ask my Uncle for help with my Dad to at LEAST get a bathtub in. (THANK YOU UNCLE SCOTT!!! You'll never know how much that meant to me!) Normally wouldn't be an issue right? We've only got one bathroom.

Brad has great intentions. He's enthusiastic about starting jobs and "seeing" the "big picture". Getting there is the problem. Can YOU work in a space that looks like THIS?

Yep. This is what is being "worked on". I think he's in over his head. HOWEVER he won't ask for help. My Dad while sick, is still more than willing to help. The laundry room part is a total fire hazard:

Yep, notice the water heater in the back corner and the furnace amongst the junk. Safe huh?

Today I decided enough was enough. I've had it. I've officially reached my breaking point. I can't deal with the garbage (I spent an hour cutting up boxes for recycling) and the smell (I found an open bag of cat litter collections and dirty diapers waiting for garbage day). This is the area you see when you first come into my house. This is what sets the first impression for the rest of my house. I done with being embarrassed and pissed off. Starting today it is going to change.

A cluttered and messy home leads to a cluttered and messy lifestyle. I'm not faulting Brad for not coming home from work and working downstairs. I am faulting him for Sundays playing video games. I'm not okay with laziness and refuse to be dragged down into it. It doesn't really scream motivation to do stuff myself when the other person is sitting there playing games. ARUGH! He has no energy anymore and at 311 it is no wonder. I love him dearly I really do. He's got a heart of gold but somethings got to give. Letting it continue is acceptance and acceptance will lead to my own weight gain and I'm not okay with that.

Funny how your environment can effect your mood (talk to me about my motivation?) and eating habits. I haven't been exercising as of late because I'm constantly cleaning and tiding up. I hate left over dinner dishes. They get in the way. Okay. Maybe I'm anal and a clean freak but I can't live in mess or clutter. It leads to lethargy and I'm not lazy!
Now I'm rambling. I had a point in there. My head hurts and I can't think straight. James is asleep again so I'm off to the dungeon to get more done.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Week 12 - No One can be Perfect all the Time!

Whoops. The best intentions right? Ever have a mini egg? Those gloriously candy coated little chocolate eggs that just melt in your mouth? I sat down, saw the bowl and all my good intentions and pep talks to myself went out the window. Sooo good. Then I told myself I'd keep count of how many I ate, just so I knew how many flex points I've used. Open window out to the wind. Oh. Then there was an incident with a Cream Egg. My favourite ever. Bite into make your teeth hurt sweetness. That at least is 4 points and I can only manage to eat one before going into a sugar coma.

That's okay. Back on track today right? The weather forecast looks beautiful all week. Walking, 30 Day Shred and lots of water. No aerobics tonight thanks to Easter Monday. What is Easter Monday anyway? Anyone actually have it off? I think it is an excuse so kids don't go back to school the day after eating too much sugar.

Oh! Oh! OH! I forgot to mention. Yesterday and Saturday I was able to wear my Engagement ring for the day! Another one of my mini goals down! It got a little difficult talking it off at night but I was able to wear it. WOOO HOOO!

I'm off to my parent's for lunch and hopefully a walk.

Good day!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Week 11 - The Results Blog

Wow, weigh in and the meeting seem so long ago now. Official loss for week 11 is 1.8 pounds. I was hoping for better results but I'll take it. At home I was down to 184. "Official" Weight Watchers weight is 186.8 (which is what the scale at home told me too before I left for the meeting). I KNEW baking Friday wasn't such a good idea but Peanut Butter Balls seemed like such a good way of saying thank you to Brad's boss for the Jay's tickets at the time.

Again, I'm looking at this whole weight loss thing the wrong way. If I want to get really technical about my loss, I've lost 51.9 pounds since October which, really is nothing to sneeze at. For some reason I can't get past that the first 32 pounds that came off right away really count for anything. But they DO don't they? I mean I was 238 at my final doctor appointment. I could have said screw everything and managed to maintain that weight but I didn't. I got to work immediately (okay, a month after) James was born and made the decision to lose the weight as quickly as possible. I guess because it initially did come off so fast I don't think it really counts. But if I want to tell people I gained 85 pounds while pregnant then dammit, I'm going to tell them I lost 52 pounds to date!

This Easter weekend has been a breeze (so far!) as far as staying on track has been. I haven't been journalling unfortunately but I am sticking to my usual schedule and food choices. This is also (so far) my first Chocolate-less Easter. We're not religious people in the least (please don't ask me my views, that is another blog entirely ;) ) but to each their own right? Since Easter isn't a religious event in this house hold, it is (unfortunately) about chocolate and family...and food. So far I haven't missed the chocolate and James is obviously much too young for it, making this year quite easy. I cleaned the house this morning, organized a closet and am preparing for the family. My parents I can guarantee there will be chocolate all over the house. It is now up to me to decide if I want 150 bad enough or if I want chocolate bad enough. Dinner will be easy...everything else will be hard.

Wish me luck and am wishing everyone a very Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Week 11 - Forget belt loops...How about a new SIZE?

I guess patience truly is a of which I do not possess. After my blog on Sunday about how depressed I was about trying on jeans at Old Navy did I mention I bought them as added motivation? Life lesson #54,234. Don't try on a new jean size while you have PMS and are expecting your little gift from Mother Nature. I suppose I was retaining water because today, right now, as I sit here writing this blog, I am wearing those size 12's that had me crying in the change room!

I feel great! The sun is shining and we're off to the big city to catch the Jays' game today! Mom is watching James and I think I'm more excited about having a day off being Mommy. Is that bad? Of course I've packed basically the entire house to bring to my parents. All his favourite toys and of course his Jolly Jumper. That boy is going to have legs of steal! It is so cute. When I'm doing my aerobics or yoga, I'll put him in it and he'll happily jump around with me, squealing the entire time. Best invention and shower gift ever!

I can't wait for weigh in this Saturday (have I mentioned that about a billion times already?). However immediately after weigh in I'll have two Easter dinner's to deal with. I'm nervous for the challenge. It will be the first actual "holiday" that I'm taking Weight Watchers seriously. The game plan. Vegetables go on the plate first followed by meat and potatoes. Watch portion sizes and it is okay to not have dessert (unless of course it is apple pie at Mom's house, anything else I'm okay with not eating). Still have quite the aversion to wine due to a drinking "incident" Christmas 2007...and not drinking since (partially due to the incident and majorly due to the baby). And of course the challenge of going to the ball park today. Of course the lure of a $20 hot dog doesn't really do anything for me.

Was a little over my daily point allotment for yesterday, but was under the day before so it works out in the end. Or WOULD have if Weight Watchers were still using Winning Points. Banking points made more sense to me at the time...but am getting used to Flex points. I went shopping with my Mom in the afternoon and had lunch at their house so did a little more snacking than I'd like, but kept it within check.

POINTS® Tracker entries
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

1 medium banana(s) 1.5
2/3 cup(s) The Original Shredded Wheat 'n Bran, spoon-size 1.5
1 cup(s) low-fat milk 2
1 cup(s) black coffee 0
Subtotal 5

Campbell's Italian Wedding Soup 2
Crackers 2
1 Arrowroot Cookie 1
Almond Thinsation 2
Subtotal 7

2 slices Cheese rising crust pizza 10
4 item(s) Teriyaki chicken wings 4
Subtotal 14

1 bar(s) Chocolate caramel 1
Special K Mocha Bar 2
Subtotal 3

Food POINTS values total used 29
Food POINTS values remaining 0

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week 11 - SInk or Swim

Wow. I'm either on fire or out to lunch with this Weight Watchers thing. This week I'm a woman a'fire. Yesterday was another good day. I expect big results Saturday. I've got some challenges coming up so I've got to get my butt in gear.

I've been thinking what has been different this time around with the program. First, I'm 9 years older. I was 21 the first time I started WWers. Myth or fact that it is easier for the young to lose weight? I know I gain weight so much easier on my 30 year old body than I did on my 20 year old body. I refuse to accept this is me now however. I've always considered this weight gain as temporary. I have no intention of it becoming permanent and accepting this as me now. Once I lose the mentality of a temporary gain, I lose my motivation.

The first time I joined, I was in a very bad time, place and stage of my life. I had just graduated college. Moved out of my home to live in Etobicoke and work in downtown Toronto. I hated my job. I hated being away from my family. I hated Toronto. I do miss the subway and their public transit system however. I thought every aspect of my life at that time was how it was and how it was going to stay. I felt the only thing I could change was the way I felt about myself and the way I looked. I controlled the one and only thing I weight. Life around me may have been bleak but I attacked the program with a fury and loved it. I even had a couple co-workers (once I changed to a better job at a better ad agency) join because of the progress I made. I felt better about myself and even my job. Being away from my family was still horrible. I eventually had a quarter-life crisis and changed all that too! But that is another story for another blog all together :D

Money. At the time I joined for 6 months at a time (I still do) and it was a LOT of money for someone who was earning a piddly income. I didn't want the money to go to waste. If I was going to join a program, I was going to make damn sure I didn't just throw $300 out the door. That's the beauty of Weight Watchers. If you can make it to goal and stay there (within two pounds) you never have to pay again. I will get there again. Brad and I are by no means rolling in the money, we are however comfortable (who knows how much longer that will be in today's economy though). Sure I could have taken that money and put it toward a gym membership or blinds for the front picture window so I stop giving the neighbours a free show every night...but decided this would be a better use for my money. I'm all about spending...but spending wisely.

In the end, I'm glad I rejoined. I don't think I could have done this on my own again. Sometimes you just need a reminder why you're doing this and what is going on in your life to help assist with your "journey".

POINTS® Tracker entries
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

1 small banana(s) 1.5
1 cup(s) black coffee 0
1 cup(s) low-fat milk 2
2/3 cup(s) The Original Shredded Wheat 'n Bran, spoon-size 1.5
Subtotal 5

1 cup(s) spinach 0
2 tbsp Italian Salad Dressing 0
1/4 oz Mild marbled cheddar cheese 0.5
250 ml Knorr Autumn Vegetable Soup 2
Subtotal 2.5

1 Chicken Enchilada (homemade!) 9
Subtotal 9

1 bar(s) Peanut butter bliss 1
8 fl oz Diet coke 0
64 oz water 0
200 ml Source Yogurt 2
Subtotal 3

Food POINTS values total used 17.5
Food POINTS values remaining 6.5

20 min aerobics, high-intensity 3
Activity POINTS values earned 3

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Week 11 - Muscle Fatigue

Good morning! Yesterday was one heck of a busy day. Between playing, feeding and changing James, cleaning the bathroom and laundry I managed to get in 45 minutes of yoga. It's all about time management. Okay, time management and working up the will to do it...or pumping yourself so full of caffeine that you just can't sit still or your head will explode. I really don't like the taste of coffee at all. I drink it black. I love the smell...hate the taste. I drink it for the greater good. I am NOT a morning person at all. You wouldn't like me decaffeinated.

By the time it was time to go to aerobics, I didn't want to get off the couch. I tried to get my energy level up by choosing wisely and smartly before I went. Wasn't happening. I couldn't put a bounce in my step or raise my legs for the life of me. I had a fruit smoothie (well...a "Smooth-eez) and a slice of bread with a tablespoon of peanut butter on it before I went. Didn't help much this time around. Things are all or nothing with me unfortunately. I can go hard and heavy for a day and then crash the rest of the week. If only I could keep this momentum up all week; I'd be GOLDEN!

Today will be 30 Day Shred Day. Can't stop now...I didn't lose many inches this time around. Hadn't been exercising much lately.

Waist : 34" (lost 1")
Chest : 39" (same)
Hips : 41" (lost 1/2")
Left arm : 13" (same)
Right arm : 13" (same)
Left thigh : 27" (lost 1")
Right thigh : 27" (lost 1 1/2")

I'll also be looking up and researching hip, butt and thigh slimming exercises on-line today. If I'm ever going to go down a jean size, these are the body parts I've got to focus on. Yeah...good luck with that right?!

POINTS® Tracker entries
Monday, April 06, 2009

2/3 cup(s) The Original Shredded Wheat 'n Bran, spoon-size 1.5
1 small banana(s) 1.5
1 cup(s) low-fat milk 2
1 cup(s) black coffee 0
Subtotal 5

1 cup(s) spinach 0
250ml Knorr Roasted Red Pepper & Tomato soup 2
2 tbsp Italian Salad Dressing 0
100 ml Source Yogurt 1
Subtotal 3

1 serving(s) Pineapple coconut dream 4
1 slice(s) whole-wheat bread 1
1 tbsp peanut butter 2
Subtotal 7

1 bar(s) Peanut butter bliss 1
1 Whole Wheat Pita 3
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 5
Subtotal 9
Food POINTS values total used 24
Food POINTS values remaining 0

45 min aerobics, high-intensity 7
15 min aerobics, low-impact 1
45 min Yoga 1
Activity POINTS values earned 9

Monday, April 6, 2009

Week 11 - Mis-shapen Body

Wow! James will be six months next week on the 11th. Time sure flies when you're bumbling about day to day. He's much more interactive and now that we're in a routine, I'm feeling more confident in my ability not to kill him.

Yesterday I managed to get out of the house all by myself and take some time for me. Nothing really special. Got my hair cut. Back to the shorter, shoulder length hair with a little layering so the curl is curl and not frizz. Then I decided to torture myself by going jean shopping since the one pair I have now are falling off me...and tend to get stinky by the end of the week.

I'm currently in a size 14. Went to the mall to use my Old Navy gift card. Nothing makes you feel worse about yourself than trying on clothes that don't fit. I had forgotten what it was like to go into a change room and not be able to wear the style of jean you picked out. I have the classic hourglass figure. Which I liked to flaunt before I was pregnant with tight little tee-shirts (I have quite the collection of female superhero shirts...kinda a thing with me). What this means for me now is while I may have a littler waist (I'll be posting my new measurements tomorrow) my butt and thighs prevent me from wearing a smaller size. The only way I got rid of this problem last time was 25 minutes on the elliptical trainer five days a week...I'm still 6 months away from that. The good news? I could get the size 12's up...just don't ask me to close them around my hips...and my thighs are not pretty in tight pants. Frustrating. I had forgotten all about what it feels like to cry in a change room. I bought 'em though. I will be in them by summer I swear it on my own pride.

Got some gardening done yesterday. I think we're single handedly responsible for the snow today southern Ontarians. Brad cut the grass yesterday ;) Not a lot got done around the house last year both inside and out. I couldn't be bothered (have I mentioned yet this month how much I HATED being pregnant?!) and Brad? Well...he's Brad.

He's trying hard I think. He didn't have his usual 20 point weekend breakfast yesterday. So he's making little changes to start. I'm proud of him. I don't think he's resistant to Weight Watchers. He's done it before by attending meetings with me with a lot of success. I just think he can't be bothered on his own. So I am once again the puppet master and by controlling him, I control me. Go team!

Aerobics tonight. I think I'll try a fruit smoothie before I go. When I get back, two eggs on toast (thanks for the article Donna!). I am feeling good about this week. I need a big loss week to get me back into the "game".

Good eating everyone!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week 11 - The Results Blog

What is wrong with me? Why can't I "get" it? I am back up again this week and am frustrated as all out hell. Frustrated. Upset with myself. Impatient. Pissed off. Depressed. Sad. Annoyed. If it a negative emotion, name it and I'm feeling it.

Sure it is only 0.4 of a gain. But that now means that I've been back at meetings for 6 weeks now and I've only lost 5.8. I'm not happy with those results. I've been at this a really long time. Since I was 21. I should be better at this. I know what the problem is. Now I just have to convince myself that by changing it and fixing it I'll lose quicker. I'm too busy comparing my progress to others and beating myself up that I SUCK AT THIS. I'm letting myself down and I'm letting my "loyal readers" down. ARUGH!

Okay. Changes I have made. 1. Didn't refuse the little paper journal they give out each week. Took it and am making my husband's life a living hell. That's right. I'm tracking his points and making him do this with me regardless if he wants to or not. You're in Spring training now baby, your ass is mine. 2. NO MORE PROCESSED FOOD (or to the best of my capability). 3. NO MORE SNACKING regardless if they are 1 point bars or not. Have more than 1 and they are no longer 1 point. 4. VEGETABLES. BLUCH. Enough said.

Saturday I did good. Friends went over to the States with us. I ordered the best I could when we had lunch. I had a turkey burger, left off the mayo, no cheese and had steamed broccoli as the side. Who the hell orders broccoli as a side? Me apparently. Bluch and bluch. I hate cooked vegetables. BLUCH. But I ate them. And I ate them all...with minimum bitching.

POINTS® Tracker entries
Saturday, April 04, 2009

1 small banana(s) 1.5
100 ml Source Yogurt 1
1 cup(s) black coffee 0
Subtotal 2.5
1 item(s) hamburger bun(s) 3
Bucket o'Diet Pepsi 0
1/2 pound(s) frozen turkey burger(s) 12.5
1 cup(s) cooked broccoli 0
Subtotal 15.5
2/3 cup(s) The Original Shredded Wheat 'n Bran, spoon-size 1.5
1 pouch(es) Sourdough pretzel thins 2
Subtotal 3.5
100 ml Source Yogurt 1
2 bar(s) Chocolate caramel 3
Subtotal 4
Food POINTS values total used 25.5
Food POINTS values remaining 0
POINTS® Tracker entries
Sunday, April 05, 2009
2/3 cup(s) The Original Shredded Wheat 'n Bran, spoon-size 1.5
1 small banana(s) 1.5
100 ml Source Yogurt 1
Subtotal 4
1 item(s) whole hard-boiled egg(s) 2
2 slice(s) whole-wheat bread 2
1 cup(s) spinach 0
Subtotal 4
5 oz cooked pork loin, lean and fat 6.5
1 medium potato, baked 2.5
1 cup(s) cooked broccoli 0
1 oz cooked carrots 0
1 oz frozen brussel sprouts 0
Subtotal 9
Med. Skinny Vanilla Bean Latte 3
1 medium baby carrots 0
Subtotal 3
Food POINTS values total used 20
Food POINTS values remaining 4
20 min gardening, digging 1
Activity POINTS values earned 1

Friday, April 3, 2009

Week 11 - Walking Disaster

Yesterday I went for a nice long walk with a friend. It was a beautiful day along a beautiful trail. The sun was out. We saw snakes and butterflies, birds and squirells. Fresh air. Sun burned face. Felt the burn. So then why did I get home and feel terrible?

I don't know why but when I got home I felt lonely and very hungry. Points didn't go so well yesterday. Did a lot of snacking that I didn't write down as I ate it so I've lost track of what I put in my mouth. I was more stressed out than when I started out. As I was feeding James dinner people (kids) kept knocking on my screen door (I couldn't ignore them because it was open) asking for money.

Brad worked late. I had a headache. I was tired. Cranky. James kept pooping every ten minutes. Thank god this week is over.

He's awake now. Got to go.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Week 11 - Being Honest with my Journal

There is a saying at the end of each Weight Watchers meeting including the phrase: If you bite it you write it. Makes sense. Often there are times when I'll say to myself, it was only the last bit of cheese that was too small to grate, it was nothing. Yeah? That one 1/2 oz piece of cheese was 1pt which if I do several times a day (a hand full of Cheerios here, a cracker there) it all adds up.

This thought occurred to me the other day when I made turkey burgers for dinner. Each burger included a bit of egg and bread crumbs. I then melted about an ounce of cheese onto each burger under the broiler. I wasn't going to include the cheese in my point calculation. Then thought to myself...well why wouldn't I? Sure I can lie to my blog readers and make it seem to them that I had an awesome day. I can lie to my journal and final point total at the end of the day. Hell...I can even lie to myself by telling myself it was only a taste, it didn't count. But (and yes, I know this whole post has been cliche) I CANNOT lie to the scale. The scale will know that I forgot to include the handful of french fries last Saturday that came with the pizza combo (okay, that I honestly forgot about until last night when I couldn't sleep). The scale will know about the little bit of Cheerios that were in the measuring cup that created a little mound. Hey, it is still a cup as long as it all fits in the measuring cup right? I've tried to be as honest as possible with myself, my blog and my journal this week. We'll see how it all turns out in two days.

I'm actually quite proud of myself for yesterday. I managed to get in 3 servings of milk and 5, yes FIVE servings of fruits and vegetables! It was actually easier than I thought it would be. YAY me! And I tried to change up what I ate a little. Shake it up a bit. Changed my breakfast slightly and eliminated the sandwich I usually have for a spinach salad. Plus got in 20 minutes of my 30 Day Shred video. Today is gorgeous so a friend and I are going for a walk. The rest of the week looks like it is going to rain though. Soon enough the better weather will be here...I hope.

POINTS® Tracker entries
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

2/3 cup(s) The Original Shredded Wheat 'n Bran, spoon-size 1.5
1 small banana(s) 1.5
1 cup(s) black coffee 0
100 ml Source Yogurt 1
1 cup(s) low-fat milk 2
Subtotal 6

1 cup(s) spinach 0
Knorr Cream of Broccoli Soup 3
2 tbsp Lemon Poppy Seed Dressing (PC is CRAP) 2
32 oz water 0
1 medium baby carrots 0
Subtotal 5

3 oz cooked centre loin pork, lean and fat 4
1/2 cup(s) cooked white rice 2
Steamed Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrot mix 0
1 cup(s) low-fat milk 2
1 tbsp Italian Dressing on vegetables 1
Subtotal 9

100ml Lemon Meringue Parfait Source Yogurt 1
1/2c Chocolate Fat Free Pudding 2
1 bar(s) Chocolate caramel 1
Subtotal 4

Food POINTS values total used 24
Food POINTS values remaining 0

20 min aerobics, high-intensity 3
Activity POINTS values earned 3

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 11 - If I Only had a Brain!

Do you ever see food and all thought goes out the window? I do. I like to try new things. Especially "snacky" foods. When we go grocery shopping I'll see some new thing to try and as soon as we get home (literally) I'll be putting things away, tear open a box and find myself eating whatever it is. I did this last night. Eventually I will learn not to even bring these types of things into the house in the first place. Last night it was Special K's new Mocha bars. I'm a sucker for anything coffee flavoured (anyone know of any coffee flavoured hard candy or vegetable?)

I suppose it could have been worse. It could have been a coffee flavoured ice cream. Okay, THAT I have enough sense to not bring into the house and even when Brad brings ice cream home, I'm able to avoid it. I must be missing a female gene. I'm not a fan of ice cream. So I ended up going over my points by 5.5 points. Whoopsy. Good thing I went for a very brisk hour walk. Gotta get those activity points in. I've earned 17 this week...and have used 11. Tee hee.

Today will be a good one. I have my whole day planned out. It is actually pathetic. I couldn't sleep last night, planning out my day. Most excited about my lunch. Baby Spinach Salad. Too bad I forgot mandarin oranges! I love salad! I am just lazy. I HATE cooking. Hurry up and retire Pam so you can come and be my personal chef. I NEED YOU!!!

POINTS® Tracker entries
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

1 cup(s) Multi-Grain Cheerios Plus 2
1 cup(s) low-fat milk 2
1 cup(s) black coffee 0
Subtotal 4

2 slice(s) whole-wheat bread 2
1 item(s) whole hard-boiled egg(s) 2
1 large Minestrone Campbell's Soup 1
8 fl oz Diet coke 0
Subtotal 5

1 oz Marble Cheese 3
4 slice(s) whole-wheat bread 5
2 pattie(s) Turkey, ground, 93% lean/7% fat, cooked 8
Subtotal 16

1 bar(s) Peanut butter bliss 1
1/2 cup(s) canned pineapple, packed in juice 1.5
2 Special K Mocha Bar 2
Subtotal 4.5

Food POINTS values total used 29.5
Food POINTS values remaining 0

60 min walking, brisk 4
Activity POINTS values earned 4